xat IDs Guidelines

The marketplace policy and the middlemen code of conduct in one place.

These guidelines may be altered at any given time as necessary for the benefit of the community.
It is your responsibility to review them as often as possible.


Seller must be the original owner

The advertiser must be the original owner of the ID announced for sale, in legit possession of the account or register-link.


Updating minimum offer

The minimum offer, estimated by the advertiser, can only be updated upon their direct request on xat chat contact.


Removing IDs

The buyer or seller must contact our editors directly on xat chat to request for the ID removal if the sale is completed.


Immediate removal

The seller can request for the removal of their ID regardless of the sale situation (if completed or no, existent or not).


Highest bid

Sellers are free to receive offers and wait considering the principle of the highest bidder and proper time for others to offer on.


Xat items only

Offers made in anything but xat coins and powers are prohibited, you cannot sell or buy for currency off-website (eg. money is not allowed).

Code of Conduct



Middlemen must have a good past with a clean record.


On chat

All middlemen must respect the chat rules.


Fair fees

Middlemen cannot overcharge unless the seller gives away (as gift/reward).



The transaction acts are confidential and the middleman should not share the offer or any sensitive information of the negotiation until it is completed.


No obligation

Middlemen are not subjected to accept all requests, having right to reject cases regardless of the reason but must do so in good manner.


No tresspassing

Middlemen cannot act as buyer in a negotiation where they pose with the highest bid unless the first buyer accepts.

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